As a member of Fair Dog you support our work with the lawsuit against the Danish State on dog legislation and also our work to spread accurate knowledge about dogs.
To become a member fill out the form on this page and choose your desired membership in the wish box, shortly after submitting the form, you´ll recieve a reciept by mail with the necessary information to transfer the required amount to our bank account.
Fair Dog's work is based on revenue from partnerships with private and public enterprises, and contributions from individuals and companies in addition to membership.
You can help support Fair Dog's work by making contributions of any size to our project.
To make a donation fill out the form on this page and choose "donate" in the wish box, shortly after submitting the form, you´ll recieve a reciept by mail with the necessary information to transfer the required amount to our bank account.
Donations are greatly appreciated. If you wish to donate for a particular project, please contact us by e-mail at or call
tel. +45 60 19 43 12.